The Monacan High School Band Program could not exist without the support of the Band Boosters. This organization is made up of parents who are taking an active and concerned role in the education of their children. This organization provides the bulk of the financial stability that allows the program to grow and to provide the students with the highest quality education possible. All parents are invited and encouraged to come and be a part of this crucial element of the Monacan Band program. Participation in this group is not just work – there is a great deal of fun to be had while working closely with the students and staff. Meetings are usually held on the second Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the band room. Come and see what you might be able to do!
Band Booster Pamphlet (pdf format)
Band Leaders
Band Director

Jenny Ryan has directed bands on the middle and high school levels for the past thirty years. A native of Richmond, Virginia, she earned her Undergraduate and Masters degrees from James Madison University in music education and conducting. She taught in the Spotsylvania County school system for six years and is in her twenty-fourth year as band director at Monacan High School in Chesterfield County. Jenny has also been Monacan’s orchestra director for the past twelve years. Monacan’s band program has been recognized as a Virginia Honor Band twelve times and Monacan has been recognized as a VMEA Blue Ribbon School for Music twelve times. Jenny has adjudicated and guest conducted middle and high school bands from around the state. She is a member of VBODA, VMEA, NAfME, and Phi Beta Mu. She served as VMEA Secretary from 2010-2014 and 2020-2024.
Jenny Ryan ()
Assistant Director – Sue Flahive
Band Booster Officers for 2023-2024
President – Ralph Novak, Email:
Vice President – Tin Nguyen, Email:
Treasurer – Kat Arguello, Email:
Secretary – Karen Carps, Email:
Band Booster Volunteer Opportunities
Layda Chicas
Steve Jack
Kelly Mahoney
We are fortunate to be the sole beneficiary of all concession proceeds for the Monacan Chiefs Varsity and Junior Varsity football games. Volunteers are needed each week in the fall to provide concessions for these events. This is our most important source of revenue during the year.
Megan Bockford
Ralph Novak
Natasha Shelton
Email: ,
The Band Mom serves as our head chaperones and helps to ensure that the band members have everything they need for performances. Chaperones also supervise students at events throughout the year. Volunteers are needed to help chaperone all band events.
Pit Crew
Kristina Randolph
Beth Beckman
The Pit Crew committee assists the Marching Chiefs with the movement of instruments and equipment on and off the field during games and competitions.
All social functions are coordinated by the hospitality committee. Your support is needed in providing cookies and other refreshments at our concerts, competitions, games and for student recognition and appreciation. Volunteers are also needed for set up and clean up during concert receptions.
Tag Day
Kristy Harris
Abigail Leta
Jason Sarashinsky
Tag Day is a fundraising event conducted by most Chesterfield County bands. Tag Day allows the surrounding school community and neighborhoods the opportunity to provide financial support for the band through door to door solicitations. Your support is needed to supervise and drive the students to designated locations for this one-day event.
Fall Craft Fair
Proceeds from the Fall Craft Fair support the band program and are another important source of revenue for the program. Volunteers are needed to serve on the planning committee and assist with a variety of duties before and during the event.
Book Sale
Band parents and friends donate used books, audio books, music (CDs and albums), and movies (DVD and VHS) to be sold on behalf of the Band Boosters. This sale takes place at the fall Craft Fair and spring Yard Sale.
Senior Recognition
The Senior Recognition committee serves to recognize our seniors for their dedication to the band program! The Senior Recognition committee coordinates Senior Night (the last home game) activities such as the picnic and banner. The committee also works with the Hospitality committee members on the spring Band Banquet.
Cookie Dough Fundraiser
The Cookie Dough fundraiser takes place in the late fall and serves two purposes. For students going on the Marching Chiefs spring trip, it provides an opportunity for them to raise money to go towards their trip payment. For band members not going on the trip, it raises money for the band program.